Picking through the tea leaves...
> Well, call me a monkey's uncle. In addition to ATRAC, Sony's new Hi-
> MD system supports PCM. Read about it here:
I was very curious though that the verbiage is always "near CD" or
"similar to CD" rather than simply "CD quality" -- I had thought PCM would
mean, uncompressed 16/44-- but I wonder if the write speed to the disk
prevents simply writing full 16/44 data, and they've fallen back in some
> * Uploads to as well as downloads from the computer are (finally)
> supported, presumably in digital form and at high speed.
I was also curious about the mention that this is specifically possible
when recording through the mic input -- I certainly hope it would apply
also to recordings made via analog in, or better yet, via an optical in...
ie, anything realtime...
I am imagining using, say, Core Sound's Mic2496 pre which presumably has
better pres, better convertors, and provides phantom power in a unit that
could easily be velcroed to a MD deck -- that would be just dandy! The
Core has optical out as well -- I'm not sure what else does, I don't think
the MiniMe does, I know the Lunatec doesn't...? Maybe that Denecke... but
I don't think that provides phantom power?
I wonder how long before HHb, Marantz, etc. offer pro Hi-MD decks...
Something that really caught my imagination was that the USB connection
seems to allow the things to store arbitrary data -- so in principal you
could use Hi-MDs as an archivable cheap storage medium for high resolution
recordings, assuming you had a device that could write to them as storage
(rather than audio) in the field -- this would suit me just fine as an
upgrade to my existing MD!
I was imagining Sound Devices retooling the 722 to write in this fashion
to Hi-MD -- ahhhh that would be grand. Half an hour of 24/88 per disk.
Heck, I would satisfied if a drive could be attached as an accessory, so
after recording to the interal HD during the day, I could dump data to
HiMD each night...
Could be an interesting year!