I am in MN USA but I travel a bit so any midwest location that does
not resemble "disney" would be good. You don't have to worry about
me and your patents as your product is in a different league and
above what a single person would normally construct for a site. I
suspect it comes with a price tag to match that feeling. I do find
in reading your patent at the US Gov site the lines between what is a
normal exhibit construction and what you patented hard to delineate.=20
But once again I am sure that is not ever going to be my problem.
--- In Wild Sanctuary <>
> No problem, Rich. Local pride is certainly admirable as is
> authenticity (although nothing we do is unauthentic by any stretch
> the imagination). Just be sure to keep an open mind about the scope
> of our patent and the necessary license to design and deliver such
> program/system commercially. I should note that Disney tried to
> bypass it a few years back (corporate pride). After a serious and
> robust challenge, even Disney relented and secured the required use
> license.
> Our systems can be found operational in about 30 venues across the
> country. Where do you live and I'll be happy to point you to the
> closest one.
> Bernie
> >--- In Wild Sanctuary
> >wrote:
> >> Not so, Rich. It's a virtual no-brainer. All one needs to do is
> >> divide the sound clips into ambient segments and species-
> >> segments. Five dawn, midday, dusk ambient tracks give you 125
> >> possible ambient combinations, alone. Add the species-specific
> >tracks
> >> to perform within the proper sequence with the proper segments
> >> our software does the rest giving the Owner a lifetime of
> >> performances with the same context and content.
> >>
> >> Our patent for the method and process (#5,293,358) was designed
> >> that a 10 year old can do the design, although I should point we
> >have
> >> nearly every kind of habitat imaginable (marine and terrestrial)
> >> already conformed so that any choice just needs to be popped
into a
> >> system with the appropriate license from us, of course. Why
> >> another mouse-trap? With the appropriate license, it can be done
> >> either way.
> >>
> >> Bernie
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I guess I would build the other mouse-trap for authenticity, local
> >pride, and because I am a recordist and also a work in progress
> >never has to repeat. I will watch for one of these systems and try
> >and keep an open mind. But probably will not be able, to be
> >
> >Rich Peet
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Wild Sanctuary, Inc.
> P. O. Box 536
> Glen Ellen, California 95442-0536
> Tel: (707) 996-6677
> Fax: (707) 996-0280
> http://www.wildsanctuary.com