No problem, Rich. Local pride is certainly admirable as is
authenticity (although nothing we do is unauthentic by any stretch of
the imagination). Just be sure to keep an open mind about the scope
of our patent and the necessary license to design and deliver such a
program/system commercially. I should note that Disney tried to
bypass it a few years back (corporate pride). After a serious and
robust challenge, even Disney relented and secured the required use
Our systems can be found operational in about 30 venues across the
country. Where do you live and I'll be happy to point you to the
closest one.
>--- In Wild Sanctuary <>
>> Not so, Rich. It's a virtual no-brainer. All one needs to do is
>> divide the sound clips into ambient segments and species-specific
>> segments. Five dawn, midday, dusk ambient tracks give you 125
>> possible ambient combinations, alone. Add the species-specific
>> to perform within the proper sequence with the proper segments and
>> our software does the rest giving the Owner a lifetime of different
>> performances with the same context and content.
>> Our patent for the method and process (#5,293,358) was designed so
>> that a 10 year old can do the design, although I should point we
>> nearly every kind of habitat imaginable (marine and terrestrial)
>> already conformed so that any choice just needs to be popped into a
>> system with the appropriate license from us, of course. Why build
>> another mouse-trap? With the appropriate license, it can be done
>> either way.
>> Bernie
>I guess I would build the other mouse-trap for authenticity, local
>pride, and because I am a recordist and also a work in progress that
>never has to repeat. I will watch for one of these systems and try
>and keep an open mind. But probably will not be able, to be honest.
>Rich Peet
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Wild Sanctuary, Inc.
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, California 95442-0536
Tel: (707) 996-6677
Fax: (707) 996-0280