At 04:42 PM 12/4/2003 -0600, Wayne wrote:
>Yes, you need a 3/8 to 5/8 Adapter. Mic Supply <>
>sells these ($5 USD) , as does B&H Photo and dozens of other places. The
>key is you're going from 3/8-in to 5/8-in.
Sorry to differ:
There ARE often 3/8 camera mounts on larger cameras, as for Hasselblad, but=
FOR MOST are 1/4 inc 20 threads to the inch, the National Coarse thread
rate. So you would likely do better going from 1/4 20 up to the 5/8 mic
diameter. I also don't know where to get one . .
my best regards,
Marty Michener
Hollis, NH
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