hello again,
thank you Rafael for your precious and very interesting informations
concerning the contexts of toads/frogs singing.
so i will abandon the alytes hypothesis..
and thank you for your very nice sounds Rich, they are close to the one
i recorded.
but we were not supposed to have the spring peepers in the mediterranean
alps !
maybe this would be a challenge for cryptozoologists ! ;-)
and now for something completely different...
this morning, i was diving in the mediterranean sea, near the
french-italian frontier.
and i heard some very surprising sounds, quite similar sferics or dust
on vynil records. these cracklings were louder when i was closer to
sea-urchin areas, at 1 meter deep, near rocks.
is it possible that the sounds i heard was their movement of spines on
the sand/stones ? or was it shrimps ?
unfortunately i don't have an hydrophone (but maybe i should try with
the klas's condom idea...).
sorry again for my poor english, and my very ignorant questions... but
ecology and biology is a very new (and more and more stronger) interest
for me...
.. yannick -> phonography/improvisation/composition/...
.. kalerne -> http://www.kalerne.net/