grant finlay wrote:
> Hi Walt,
> Sorry to disagree but...
> The 815 Is the same length as the 816.
> I think you may have it confused with the 415 ( same length as 416)
> I know because I have owned both 815/816. as for noise, its not an
> issue as with all the mkh series,I've found it comes down to the pre
> amp more often than not. Currently I use a SQN 4S series 4 mixer and
> have no problem with noise at all.
> Regarding wind protection, I've found that the rycote softie is the
> most economical way to go and does a good job in most conditions but a
> full gale. Personally I use a full rycote blimb rig as my main line of
> work is doco's for film/tv, and I don't have much control over shooting
> conditions/locations.
You are right, that's what comes from mixing doing ones taxes with
reading email. I was thinking of the new stereo shotgun, which is based
on the 416 and my description was of that.
Is there a softie for the 816? I thought I looked that up and they did
not make one that long. I've never seen one on Ebay I know.
I've been going with the full up rigs as I like the suspension better
and they do have some edge for wind. And there are no softies for M/S,
which is what I'm mostly going with. Putting the M/S in a standard mono
kit, which is fairly easy with the Sennheiser stuff instead of the
rycote. I'm just about set to put together a MS MKH-816/MKH-30 rig,
finally got the suspension I was lacking. Going to be interesting seeing
what I get from that.