Marty Michener wrote:
> Nancy and I did receive the bag, BTW, (referred to under the subject line:
> "Handling travel luggage and recording equipment? "
> for those trying to follow a jumped thread line) after seven days and 20
> hours. DHL finally relented and said: "No charge". Now I once again have
> my original HHb, that locks up a random, forgets where it is whenever you
> press STOP, never puts the date and time stamp correctly, but I love it.
That's good to hear. It's a cautionary tale all the problems you had. I
do expect in time that some of all this is going to get fixed. It's not
just us little guys getting burned. I've finally begun to see some in
the press about going overboard in allowing the security nuts free
reign. Kind of like doing for the terrorists what they could never hope
to do.
Note that my original Portadisc, which is older than Marty has does not
lock up, and always puts the date and time stamp correctly. Marty, you
really should find the time to send it in and get it fixed. I understand
how much you hate to be without it, I'm still working on finding a time
to send mine in for a rom upgrade and the gain improvements. The fact
that mine works so well makes it harder to justify.
Note I've looked at some of the figures about who's using the Portadisc
on HHb's site. There must be a pile of them in Iraq right now, judging
from how many ENG organizations have been grabbing them up. Just like in
Bosnia, where the recorder of choice seemed to be a Sony MZ-R30 MD. Many
reporters told how they carried two in Bosnia, because they expected to
have them fail, but ended up never needing the spare. One of the
benefits of Bosnia was that ENG got real field experience with MD, which
resulted in enough potential market for HHb to put out the Portadisc. We
nature recordists are trivia in the portable recorder market, but ENG is
Forgetting where it is when you press stop on playback is a annoyance
and would have been so easy to do right. Since I don't do a lot of
playback on it I don't find it a big problem, it's quick to jump to the
track you need if you remember which one it was. My main playback usage
is when I transfer my recordings, and I just leave it on pause as I edit
each track on the computer to avoid the problem.