on 2/12/03 10:30 AM, Kevin Colver at wrote:
> Here's a question for the group;
> What equipment would you purchase (recorder, pre-amp, mics, ect.) for
> your dream system in the following categories?
> 1. Stereo ambient sound, price $1000 - $2000
SASS with two MKH 20s - about $3000 for whole setup
> 2. Stereo ambient sound, price $4000 - $5000
> 3. Stereo ambient sound, price $10000 - $12000
> 4. Directional mono recording, price $1000 - $2000
MKH 70 shotgun microphone with zepplin (for mono shotgun recordings)
or Telinga Parabola retrofitted for STEREO recording using two MKH 20s for
about $3000 total. Why use a mono parabola when you can get a nice stereo
recording, plus all the benefits of the parabola?
> 5. Directional mono recording, price $4000 - $5000
> 6. Directional mono recording, price $10000 - $12000
> Thanks for your opinions.
> Kevin J. Colver
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