thorley_tom wrote:
> Has anyone come across a good very lightweight cable drum
> with stereo XLR (2x3pin or 1x5pin (preferably)) out mounted on
> the drum. Drum to hold 150 metres of stereo star quad cable. Or
> any other neat solutions for long easy to use cable runs?
Plastic extension cord spools from your hardware store.
For shorter cords kite stores have smaller plastic spools that might
work well.
I'm shifting more toward the 5 pin for long cords, with some short
breakout adapters if I need one line. Most of the time I'm going to be
using stereo. I also use neutric weatherproof XLR connectors.
If around water remember Lang's problems with the beaver and try and
string the cable to keep it out of their teeth. Also think about color
of cable, if it blends in too well you will trip over it more, though if
you are leaving it unattended you may want it to be hidden from being