Greetings, All;
Its cold here also. The most distinctive sounds I can offer will come
later - the breaking up of the ice on the Hudson River, about 125 miles
north of New York City. When break-up occurs, we have large floes moving
against the rocks along the shoreline. The sound is awesome! Picture a mile
long cake of ice a foot thick grinding up against the shore with it breaking
up and piling up onto itself with blocks and plates breaking off and falling
back over the following unrelenting field of yet more ice. It goes on and
on... So we'll wait and see if we have a show this year. Last winter was the
first time in anyone's memory that the river didn't even freeze over. And
that's going back to the days when they sent teams of horses and men out to
harvest blocks of ice for the big city to the south of us. The remnants of
huge ice houses remain along the shoreline. But, that's another story...
>From the looks of the weather now-a-days, we should have some ice this
winter (it was +10 deg. F this morning and going back down there again
Richard Guthrie
New Baltimore
The Greene County,
New York