I have not met John Feith and would be interested if you know him
In listening to the submitted sounds I note he often constructs short
sound files out of multiple recordings often using different birds
within a sound file. I resist that, and would rather see multiple
recordings of a "real song" or "call" than a recordists use of
editing construction in this application. I also noted that he likes
having all his posted calls at 10db down. Makes for a pretty noise
floor but I don't get that either. I don't mean to be overly
critical but, I am guilty of that sometimes....
What do you all think of instructional/illustrational sound files
being a construction rather than a documentation?
Rich Peet
--- In "Brian Boldt" <> wrote:
> John Feith, who I believe actually works for the company which
produces Sound Forge, has uploaded a great collection of samples to
the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas website. I believe these were done
with a portable DAT and Sennheiser shotgun. Figured I'd forward the
link as John is not a member of this list:
> http://www.uwgb.edu/birds/wbba/speciesaudios.htm
> Brian Boldt / Milwaukee
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]