A little added info from http://www.dictionary.com/:
dis Pronunciation Key (ds)
tr.v. Informal dissed, diss=B7ing, diss=B7es
To show disrespect to, often by insult or criticism: =93 [The networ=
is often dissed for going after
older, less demographically desirable viewers=94 (Michael McWilliams=
[African American Vernacular English, short for disrespect.]
At 12:46 PM 9/18/02 -0000, you wrote:
>Origin American Black slang.
>To make disrespectful comments about
>To have been disrespected or minimized by.
>--- In Jeremy Minns <> wrote:
>> What's the etymology of "dissing", as in "dissing MiniDisc"
>or "dissing
>> Cornell". My dictionary has only "Diss: the Algerian name for a
>> Mediterranean grass".
>> Jeremy
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