A couple of thoughts, maybe a bit late as I was away. It was good that
John finally pointed out that if you are going to process those MD
recordings to make music, be aware that you might find things get pretty
ugly pretty fast. Maybe that is ok with you, and maybe you aren't going
to process them too much (especially with digital gear), but think about
it before you spend too much money!
An interesting point on Cornell (I'm not sure if this will annoy people
more or not!), but when I was recently there, I found out that they just
bought several HB Portadiscs because basically they are one of the best
field recorders on the market right now.
But you know, if you find it productive to use all this space, and your
time, continuing to bash Cornell, go for it. It does make me wonder
what we gain out of such slamming...
Dave Lauten
Bandon OR
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