> What can you say about CD players? I just acquired a new CD player and
> tried to play a new CD with no success. I placed in a known CD that
Was it a popular CD?
Several of the major labels are now 'copy protecting' CDs with some scheme
that prevents PC/Mac CDR drives from reading them ~ one side effect is
that certain CD players can't read them. Such CDs are I think sometimes
marked with a money-back guarantee or something... but usually in the fine
print, to avoid attracting attention. But not always...(?)
(Another side effect I read about was that they would lock up certain Mac
models, or make them reboot, on insertion...(!)).
I'm sure a search with Google you can find reference to this problem...
If it was something from a smaller independent label, or an audiophile
one, I might discount this possibility (though who knows)...