Nicklas Nordborg wrote:
> Make sure you have Flash Player 6 since this is the first version that
> will play the mp3 files I use. Internet Explorer will probably ask you
> to install it, but Netscape happily uses an older version (but it will
> of course not play the sound). As a last resort it should be possible
> to download the sound and play it in an mp3 player of your choice. I
> have not tested it on Mac/Unix/Linux on any browser.
Netscape 4.7 on my G4 mac is not happy with your javascript to get to
the sounds but runs everything else fine. When I went directly and
downloaded the mp3's from your server without using the javascript they
played fine.
Netscape itself would sometimes run the script and play them, and at
other times just sit there.
I'm sure Netscape 6.2 on the mac would be fine.
> If anyone is expericened in similar projects, i.e. mixing sounds and
> images on webpages, please share your tips, especially on how to handle
> different browser versions!
My webpages use images and sounds. The basic trick is to keep it simple,
use regular html unless it's impossible to do that way. Where the images
and sounds are fixed in location and don't change that works just fine.
And every browser understands html. The more you load your site up with
special formats the more problems (and emails about them) you generate.
My webpages:
As far as formats, stick with jpeg or gif for images, and mp3 is best
for sound, for video mpg is probably most universal. Apple's quicktime
plug in can play mp3's and mpg's in all the major OS's, so there is a
sure way of doing that.
Best to avoid any webpage building software put out by Microsoft. They
are the worst offenders about using special code. Part of their program
of taking over the internet by ruining everybody else.
A technical point, where looping a sound it might be a good idea to fade
the ends. I'm listening to one of the waterfall ones right now and each
time it hits the ends it's jarring.