I joined this group a little more than a year ago and has mostly been
reading since then. The reason I joined in the first place is that I
wanted information about sound recording for my trip to Borneo. It is
now long since I returned home and I have finally been able to put up a
working (I hope) website with pictures, sounds and texts from the trip.
The adress to website is: http://w1.463.telia.com/~u46310192/
The website uses Flash 6, JavaScript and style sheets so you will need
a quite modern browser to view it. I have tested it with Internet
Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.2 on a PC. You may try Netscape 4.x also
but there are still some problems with the sounds. I hope to fix them
Make sure you have Flash Player 6 since this is the first version that
will play the mp3 files I use. Internet Explorer will probably ask you
to install it, but Netscape happily uses an older version (but it will
of course not play the sound). As a last resort it should be possible
to download the sound and play it in an mp3 player of your choice. I
have not tested it on Mac/Unix/Linux on any browser.
If anyone is expericened in similar projects, i.e. mixing sounds and
images on webpages, please share your tips, especially on how to handle
different browser versions!
A final note: I am still working on the texts, that's why you in some
places will see some swedish words.
Best regards
Nicklas Nordborg