richpeet wrote:
> I recently learned that my higher end Sony Headphones fell flat.
> I guess it is time to replace but I thought I would post this file
> for those other than "high end" people that I still identify with.
> The referenced file goes as low as any system will go that I know
> of. For those that wonder about MD quality, this was recorded with a
> consumer grade Sony MZ R90 and an open ME 62. Feel free to compare
> to the others available on commercial CD's for response of our cheap
> MD's, but more important check your headphones and speakers for the
> low end response. I was amazed by the difference between my
> different systems. A 44.1k sample available upon request as it was
> downsampled because bass was the topic.
Bass is probably the most neglected part of speaker systems. Often the
so called woofer is 5 or 6", which is a midrange speaker. About the only
big speakers around are subwofers, and they usually have way too stiff a
cone in order to handle large power loads so do poorly on quieter bass.
If you want good bass, haunt Ebay for some of the better 15" systems
made in the 70's. And don't ever turn the volume way up on them. Don't
worry, even at nice low volumes you will get plenty bass and they will
put out more sound energy than anyone who values their ears should be
listening to. Crank one of the modern amps designed to coax some sound
out of the stiff stuff of today and all you will get is fuzz floating
around the room and maybe the smell of frying voice coil.
When I want to critically listen to something I usually turn to my Sony
MDR-V900 headphones. These not only have good sound reproduction, but
seal well to my head keeping out most of the outside sound. I usually
use these when field recording, that seal works both ways so I'm less
likely to get feedback from the mic picking them up. Most of the time in
the field I'm filtering out bass below 150hz as my subjects don't go
that low.
> a just under 1 meg download at:
Nice little bunch of spring peepers, too bad that Grouse decided to drum
;-) Yep, that's bass. Here's a sono of it: