My old toshiba Pentium 266 has never had the fan kick in for the past
three years. So other than the hard drive it is dead silent. The 266
mhz is fast enough to record at 44.1, 16 bit and has a used value so
low I wont cry if it gets damaged in the field. I will check for my
own setup if mine can be upgraded with the ibm drive you mention.
--- In "Gordon Hempton" <> wrote:
> Does anyone have a recommendation for the quietest laptop/notebook
> I hear that IBM has released a new liquid bearing hard drive that
should be
> nearly silent and the Power Book is fairly quiet already with a
cool pad
> under it, but I am leaning towards a PC laptop since Windows XP is
> stable with high memory installs.
> Advise anyone?
> Gordon
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]