While stereo may sound better when played-back properly on a stereo system,
I doubt that a stereo signal allows for that much more "mental processing"
than monaural, simply because most of the noise pollution will be in both
channels anyway.
> Walter wrote (in part):
>> From: Walter Knapp <>
>> I consider the stereo parabolic to be the biggest advantage when I moved
>> from my previous mono parabolic. You then allow people to use the very
>> best filter of all, their own internal sound processing. Far more
>> capable than any filter we might apply.
> What a very important point! I had forgotten, but am now reminded, of how
> amazed I was, when first I started recording (in '68) at all the noise there
> is which I just hadn't noticed. If stereo recording can let the listener
> apply their own mental filtering, that surely is a tremendous step forward.
> I've never advanced past mono. Maybe I should!
> Syd Curtis in Australia
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