Lang Elliott wrote:
> I think you're correct for headphone listening, but for speakers so few
> people actually use them correctly that they rarely appreciate the stereo
> effect. But, you're right . . . if listened to correctly using a
> conventional stereo speaker setup, a stereo recording is more forgiving of
> background noise.
Even if the stereo system is less than ideal, there is a advantage. And
you are right, headphones do much better for critical listening.
> As for listening at "too high a volume", you're absolutely correct. Nearly
> everyone does this and it makes traffic or airplane noise more of a problem
> than it really is. However, the flip side is that if you use real good mikes
> (like my MKH 20s) and record under calm and quiet conditions where there is
> little background rumble (such as a dawn chorus on a calm morning in a
> remote location), then your microphones will have plenty of "reach",
> allowing you to play back the chorus at a higher-than-normal volume for
> improved discrimination and greater enjoyment.
The flaw in this is that a great many species don't call for our
convenience, and are not calling at these quiet times.
For my frogs, there is a considerable die off of calling after midnight,
very noticeable if doing survey work. Many species shut it down like
they had a time clock they were watching.
So, whatever I'm going to get it's going to often be done when it's much
more noisy.
One species I've got to record in Georgia we had one site, in the middle
of Savannah, no chance of quiet. Now we have found a 2nd area, also in
the middle of urbanization on St. Simons Island. Somehow this year I've
got to get a good recording.
> As most of you know, I go to great lengths with my SASS setup to get
> pristine recordings free of background noise, which gives the listener the
> option of turning the volume up as far as is comfortable.
I do indeed.
I was down in Taylor County last night. You would not have liked it,
they have added a large diesel pump off somewhere, quite loud. The
gopher frogs were not out yet. Just Spring Peepers, Ornates and Southern
Chorus Frogs.