For those folk waiting to see what locations are neglected
for COG’s bird count over the weekend and who are having difficulty
opening the Excel spreadsheet on the website, just email me and I will send you
a copy. For the record, the following sites (as well as some smaller locations)
are unclaimed. It may be that blitzers passing these locations intend to stop
if time permits but a specific blitzer for each might be nice.
Woodstock NR
Nursery Swamp
Yerrabi Track
Yankee Hat
Settlers Trail
Smokers Trail
Gibraltar Falls
Woods Reserve.
Please also note that the bridge at Angle Crossing will be
closed for repairs at the weekend. So anyone traveling down Smiths Rd will need to backtrack rather
than go through to Williamsdale.
Also I keep forgetting to mention that Anthony Overs has
kindly offered to coordinate a nightbird survey. If you are interested, contact
Anthony direct on
It seems that the weather forecast for the weekend is for
showers. However it should be possible to get some surveying in between the
showers, if indeed they are only showers. I was out birding this morning and,
while the conditions were less than ideal, they certainly didn’t deter
the birds. So do what you can, even if you can only survey in your local area.
And if you are venturing out, take care. Cheers.
Barbara Allan, blitz coordinator