Hi all,
Just back from a short (3-4 day) trip to the Weddin
Mtns. This was the first time I have been there.
Other nice birds included several groups of Emus,
Apostlebirds, one White-backed Swallow, Blue Bonnets, Peregrine Falcons, Pied
Butcherbirds and lots of Speckled Warblers Yellow Thornbills and Rainbow
Bee-eaters. There were nests of the bee-eaters, Red-capped Robins and
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters. Also boobooks calling at night.
Unfortunately, no Black-chinned or Yellow-tufted
Other animals included 4 species of kangaroo
(Eastern Grey, Swamp, Red-necked and Euro), plus excellent views of a Tailed
Emperor at Conimbla NP.