I watched the White-fronted Honeyeater on each
attempt today, at about 9.00 a.m. (with Harvey Perkins), and at about 2.30, 4.00
& 4.50 p.m. At 4.00 pm a lady from nearby (not a COG member) who saw it
first when someone else showed it to her about a week ago has also taken an
interest and watched it most days.
You need to brush aside the Satin Bowerbirds
(including the blue one back today) and the St & Sp Pardalotes & a
Grey Shrike-thrush, to find it (only joking). Today it was feeding on lerps in
the eucalypt again. Didn't stay there for long enough to allow me to film this.
Whilst doing so it showed no interest in chasing the nearby Pardalotes (< 1
metre away), in contrast to its aggression towards Spinebills & Silvereyes
in the Grevillea.