On 02/05/07, Michael & Janette Lenz <> wrote:
My comments on Weebills and also Rod's were not just concerning
recent higher numbers but also presence in areas where they normally don't
occur, and this already over a few months.
I have noticed Weebills to be more prevalent than usual over the
past few months (probably all summer - I should check my GBS records) in the
area around my place in Summerland Cct Kambah. I don't know that numbers are
necessarily higher as it is difficult to know whether they are the same or
different groups moving about (and Weebills are one of the species I find
difficult to estimate numbers well, as many records are based on calls only),
but I am certainly recording them on a much more regular basis.
The same applies to our GBS in Hackett –
we are some distance from Ainslie-Majura and Weebills are a rare occurrence on
the chart, maybe one or two records a year. Over the last month or so I have
been regularly recording this species every few days - numbers seem comparable
with previous years but frequency is certainly higher.