G’day all,
I received the last of the promised twitchathon money
today so a BIG thankyou to all who pledged money. “My” contribution
to the team effort is $935. I am not sure what the others collected but I am
sure they also made a bit - perhaps they will let us all know. My only (very
minor) problem is that I don’t have a postal address for Greg Ramsay
which I need to get for the tax deductible receipt. So if Greg could email me
or someone who knows his address could, that would be much appreciated. I will
send a bank cheque for the $935 to Alan Morris, who was the co-ordinator for
the twitchathon and he will send the receipts to me, hopefully in time for the
February COG meeting.
Again thanks for helping Australia’s birds. The money
will go to The Australian Bird Study Associations Research Fund which helps
students with a small grant to purchase scientific equipment like mist nets, callipers
etc. If you want any information on ABSA see me at any COG meeting.