Hi David - thanks for coming to my defence but I wasn't really offended
- I replied privately to Philip that I thought it wasn't a good idea to
get into another discussion about terminology when everyone was having
so much fun with the other one!
thanks so much for your extensive reporting on the orioles. I haven't
seen him but the call is very distinctive and one I'm familiar with.
didn't hear him today. next time I'm in Canberra will try to find the
reports of the studies in this area you refer to - are they likely to be
in the COG rooms library (is there such a thing?)
the other exciting occurrence (I think and hope) this morning is that
there was a strange parrot call coming from the high side of the Alpine
Way (just over the road from my back door) this morning - it wasn't a
Crimson Rosella or even a youngster learning and not quite getting it
right. I've been told that since the fires down here there have been
lyrebirds up there and am wondering if that's what it was, although from
the Tidbinbilla Lyrebird CD they seem to get the mimicry a lot better
than that. will go up and have a look soon if I keep hearing it (this
was the second day in a row)
re the young Crimsons down here, they are much greener than I've ever
seen them in Canberra - not sure if they are just being brought to the
feeder younger or if it's a slight difference in their colouring. there
are now two families of four young ones each skylarking about the
snowgums around the balcony and trying to land on the bar in the sliding
glass door as they haven't learnt about glass yet
cheers, Wendy
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