Published sightings for the week ending 30 Mar 2014.
Sun 30 Mar
Black Bittern
Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve
1 seen briefly flying across back pond at 0610
Stuart Pickering & Colin Reid
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve
Flew in to usual spot on 3rd lagoon at 8.28.
Alan Crawford
Sat 29 Mar
Lewin's Rail
Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve
Seen Sat morning at approx 9am on the footpath leading from the car park along with three Brown Quails
Ken Doy
Nutmeg Mannikin
Parklakes Wetlands Forest and Grasslands Areas
The open grassland SouthWest of the Wetlands was busy this morning with Nutmeg and Chestnut-breasted Mannikins, Scarlet Honeyeater, Rufous and Golden Whistler and Varied Triller.
Ross Sinclair
Grey Goshawk
Caloundra City
Southern End of Nicklin Way
Ross Sinclair
Eastern Yellow wagtail
Sandy Camp Road Wetlands Reserve
Seen around 4pm from the peninsular between 2nd and 3rd Lagoon
Ken Doy
Mon 24 Mar
Australian Little Bittern (Black-backed Bittern)
Parklakes Wetlands, Bli Bli
4 Australian Little Bitterns (Black-backed Bitterns): adult male and adult female with two fully fledged but still dependent juveniles. The adults were observed feeding the juveniles twice.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Sun 23 Mar
Powerful Owl
Mount Greville, Moogerah, SE Queensland
Approaching Palm Gorge, owl took refuge in a less vulnerable tree, but was mobbed out by smaller birds.
Peter Horler & Liz Gould
Fri 21 Mar
Grey-fronted Honeyeater
Binkey 1 State Forest via Miles SQ
A single bird seen in the afternoon about 2.30pm in small eucalypt in the ecotone of an area of heath surrounded by eucalypt woodland. GPS - GDA94 S26.36761 x E150.12260; +/- 50 metres.
Rod Hobson
Tue 18 Mar
masked owl
Kenmore Hills
Bird heard calling around 8pm. Seen flying northwards from creek.
A masked owl (injured) was found a few years ago in Brookfield. Powerful Owl calls most evenings but seldom hear Masked Owl.
justin watson
Mon 10 Mar
Black Honeyeater
Rockmount via Helidon SEQ
Three Black Honeyeaters (1 x male, 2 x female) seen about 7.50am on private property off Priors Road, Rockmount. Morning cool with slight drizzle. GPS for sighting: GDA94 - S27.69377 x E150.02620; +/- 50 metres. Other reliable reports of this species from the general area recently, from Highfields and Wyreema near Toowoomba.
Rod Hobson