Sun 30 Mar
Spotted Harrier
Thompsons Rd and Rossiter Rd Junction, Carrum downs
Observed for five minutes at 12.30 pm before crossing Thompsons Rd and into Eastern Treatment Plant.
Keith Caldecott.
Rose Robin
Sandringham Beach Park
Male at the SW corner of Trey Bit - the first male recorded in the City of Bayside since 1995 when at least 4 birds frequented Spring St, Sandringham, for a month. Since then only single birds have been seen, on average once every two years.
Michael Norris
Sat 29 Mar
Spotted Harrier
1 bird seen hovering low, adjacent to the south side of the overpass that connects Ballarat Road to the Western Highway at Ravenhall.
Micah Kawalek
Grey Goshawk (White Morph)
Marty Busch Reserve Sebastopol VIC
Watching the junior football today in Sebastopol, I saw quite a few raptors. A pair of Brown Goshawks, a Collared Sparrowhawk and especially, a pair of Grey Goshawks (White morph), which were circling closely together. See List # S17637790.
Bernie McRitchie
Speckled Warbler, Spotted Quail thrush
Lerderderg State Park
A pair of speckled warblers were observed in leaf litter at the junction of Seereys Rd and Seereys Tk. The Spotted quail thrush was noticed when we stopped along O'Briens Rd to investigate some robins. although we don't get many reports from this area we would thoroughly recommend birders try driving from Bacchus Marsh end of the park through to Blackwood.
Hedley & Irena Earl
Fri 28 Mar
Marlo estuary
The lone Whimbrel first observed last weekend was seen feeding on the sandflats immediately to the east of the entrance this afternoon.
Len Axen
Rose-ringed Parakeet
Frankston South
Rose-ringed Parakeet observed flying above the Nepean Hwy early evening. Looking through BirdLine/Eremaea shows this bird has a history in this part of the world. Obviously an escapee
Owen Lishmund & James Mustafa
Flame Robin & Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Our first Flame Robin and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater for the year on Beach Road. The Robin was out in the paddock with the Banded Lapwings and the honeyeater was in the plantation on the other side of the road with Purple-crowned Lorikeets.
John Barkla, Alison Street + 4 visitors from USA
Tawny Grassbird
Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands (Seaford)
After a little while searching we heard the chuck calls of the Grassbird an saw it in the branches of an everlasting. It quickly dashed off into the reedbed. Subsequently saw it 3 more times, including in flight.
Owen Lishmund, James mustafa et al.
Spotless Crake
Winter Swamp - Ballarat
3 - 4 Spotless Crake observed today at various areas of the Swamp.
Swamp drying out rapidly.
Colin D Johnson
Tawny Grassbird
Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands (Seaford)
Got there at 7AM, waiting & walked around for 3 and a half hours without a sign of the bird, then at 10.30AM heard the TGB twice (I know the call really well) & then after going through a few fairy-wrens a bird hopped up onto a small dead bush & stayed there, hidden from view apart from the rear end for several seconds. Looking through my photos did manage to get a photo of it's partially hidden face & you can see the tip of it's long tail poking out the other end of the branch! The bird was over the little pond just past the fork in the track. Obviously very hard to get until it gives it's dry rasping call. After nearly another hour of hanging around I decided that was enough!
Kevin Bartram
Thu 27 Mar
Australasian Darter
Karngun Bridge Swamp, Deans Marsh Rd, Winchelsea
2 male and 9 female Darters were sighted here on an outing with a local bird group
Peter Bright et al
Wed 26 Mar
Spangled Drongo
"Tabbara Lodge", Marlo
A Spangled Drongo was observed quietly sitting by the birdbath in front of the lodge today. This observation adds to a recent report of this species at "Dolly's Garden", Bemm River and several sightings around Karbethong near Mallacoota earlier this month.
Chris Coulton "Tabbara Lodge" per Len Axen
Tue 25 Mar
Olive Whistler
Point Lonsdale
A first time sighting of an Olive Whistler among the tea-tree in our backyard in Point Lonsdale.
Rod Corinaldi
Powerful Owl
Loddon River Newstead
there is a pair of Powerful Owls roosting in Black Wattles township side of the Loddown river about 50m upstream from the Pyrenees Hwy bridge.
Greg McKay
Tawny Grassbird
Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands (Seaford)
At 7.20am this morning I arrived at the site and immediately sighted and photographed a tawny grass bird in a Tree everlasting at the fork in the track that others have described. The photo image for this bird is poor as I was looking into the morning light. I then saw the bird again 50 metres along the right fork track as it rested at the foot of cumbungi.
I then saw it again at 9am land in front of me about 50 metres along the left fork trail. For the next 2 hours I neither heard nor saw it and at 11am I was joined by James Mustafa and Tim N? and we heard it making the alarm calls from which we were able to approximate its location. At around 11am the bird flew into a tree about 100 metres down the left hand track and enabled my second photo. For what it is worth I have the impression that the very first bird sighted may not be the same as the second as there did appear to be a size difference.
Hedley Earl
Tawny Grassbird
Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands (Seaford)
Arrived with Tim at 10.00am and got our first brief sighting of the bird around 20 minutes later. Twice we had fantastic elongated views where we could observe all of its characteristics to make a positive visual ID. Hedley also got some cracking shots. It hangs around low in the everlasting trees and occassionally dips into the long reeds.
James Mustafa, Tim Nickolds, Hedley Earl
Mon 24 Mar
Grey Goshawk
Coalmine Rd, Anglesea
White morph seen ~ 6.30pm over road not far from river.
Joy Tansey
Common Sandpiper
Hastings Marina
As recently reported , Common Sandpiper still present at Marina , very approachable sometimes within 5 metre's. Plenty of pic's and a 2 minute video
Colin Mulvogue
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters
Banyule Flats Reserve, Heidelberg
Half a dozen birds seen individually or in pairs in treetops moving through wooded areas in Banyule Flats near River Yarra. Only seen here as an autumn passage migrant. Not calling.
Anthea Fleming
Noisy Friarbird
Sarsfield, Haggar's Road
5 - 6 Noisy Friarbirds moving through the top of eucalypts. They were present for only a few minutes. I've not observed this species here before.
Bob Carter
Song Thrush
Banyule Flats Reserve, Heidelberg
In wattle clump on Yarra bank, southwest of Banyule Billabong, close to fence-line. Now very seldom seen hereabouts. It perched briefly on a dead fallen wattle and flew off again. Not found again despite extensive search.
Also about: large parties of dark-flanked Silvereyes, White-browed Scrub-wrens,Spotted Pardalote,Grey Fantail, Blackbirds.
Anthea Fleming
Beautiful Firetail, White-throated Needletail.
Cape Conran Coastal Park
Large numbers of Beautiful Firetail seen daily over the past week along the Bemm River- Pearl Point road. Some mixed in with groups of Red-browed Firetail others in pure groups. Also White-throated Needletail seen on 3 separate days.
Keith & Judy Humphreys
Sun 23 Mar
Lewin's Honeyeater
Windy Ridge Vineyard, Foster, South Gippsland.
Pair playing in open tree branches, then eating Kangaroo Apples.
Graeme Wilson
Hutton's & Fluttering Shearwater
Point Addis
Observed a small mixed flock offshore at approx. 1.30pm. Flying with a feeding flock of terns and in small group sitting on the water.
Joy Tansey & Jennifer Spry
Little Corella
The Slipway, French Island
Four perched in an old cypress tree on the coast at 'The Slipway', south-west French Island. Although resident at Crib Point, this is only the fifth record for the island (four in the last year.)
Chris Chandler
Sat 22 Mar
Collared Sparrowhawk
Mosquito Creek Rd, French Island
Excellent views of a stunning male bird perched on fence post near the corner of Barge Access Road. A rare bird for the island. It twice flew a short distance and perched again. I'm almost certain I saw the same bird in this area about 3 weeks ago.
Chris Chandler