I would agree Chris. I notice the website below links to an accreditation
program for Certified Environmental Practitioners which seems to fit the
bill of what Carl is arguing for:
By way of analogy: I'm a Registered Safety Professional & Chartered
Professional Member of the Safety Institute of Australia ,which is a bit of
a mouthful, but puts me in a similar program for OH&S consultants &
practitioners. Nevertheless the practitioners are concerned about the
ability for someone to hang out a chip as an OHS consultant with little or
nothing to back it up. In the last 12 months the SIA & a couple of other
practitioner bodies (hygienists & OHS doctors) have put together an alliance
& a code of ethics & practice for the industry; this has had active support
from WorkSafe Victoria.
So I would suggest it might be worth finding out from say EIANZ how widely
adopted their CEP program is, & whether there is any kind of push to have it
adopted or endorsed by the multifarious environmental regulators around this
wide brown land.
That, of course, is the rub: trying to get the various bureacracies to
embrace something nationally. They're still struggling to do it for OHS
legislation (translation: we still don't have a national consensus on the
value of a human life?); the chances of them smashing through the gates of
time to do it for the environment are not necessarily high...
Ross Macfarlane
RM The Risk Manager, Pty Ltd
) 0417 370 371
: www.rmtheriskmanager.com.au