
Should Consultants Be Licensed? Should Their reportsBe Placed in the Pub

To: "Baus" <>
Subject: Should Consultants Be Licensed? Should Their reportsBe Placed in the Public Domain?
From: "Graham Turner" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 12:37:35 +1000
Good question.
I assume you are talking about Environmental Consultants here.

I work for a consultancy firm, in a similar but not the same field. The question of competency is always a big issue as is the issue of governmental regulations. There is always the story of the developers consultant, the one with the flash car.
Many governments departments have issues with consultants as some 
bureaucrats seem to have problems dealing with alternate sources of advice. 
Yet others use consultants to 'independently' agree with their opinions.
I believe that clients are entitled to confidential advice, a process that 
can lead to better outcomes outside of the glare of the media spotlight.
There are mechanisms for the release of information when it is in the public 
interest, such as an EIS, which are often prepared for public 
release.Government agencies can also engage consultants to prepare reports 
for release to the public.
I support more regulation of consultants, in the meantime its buyer beware.

Graham Turner

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