I thought it would be relevant to forward this email from the National Parks
Association of NSW given the previous discussion on Birding-aus.
Stephen Ambrose
Ryde, NSW
From: Andrew Cox NPA
Sent: Friday, 19 June 2009 7:17 PM
Subject: [npa-news] Urgent request to oppose Game and Feral Animal Control
Amendment Bill 2009
Importance: High
Dear NPA Friends,
Its not often that I need to write to you an urgent issue, but there is one
that faces us the coming week.
The Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2009 has been introduced by
the Shooters Party. If pass, it would be bad legislation. It will allow
recreational hunting in national parks, recreational hunting of native
animals and birds (even in national parks!), establishment of private game
parks, that may allow new feral animals to be introduced and bred.
We believe that the NSW Labor Party may consider supporting the legislation.
This is because the Shooters Party gives it two of three votes necessary to
pass Government legislation.
The legislation is due to be voted on next week, either Tuesday, Wednesday
or Thursday 23-25 June, before it breaks for two months. Labor's position
will be determined on Monday 22 June.
We need you to urgently lobby all NSW Ministers, Fred Nile (who's only other
vote the Government will need to support the Bill) to reject the Bill. THe
Opposition opposes key parts of the legislation.
I have just updated our website with all
<http://www.npansw.org.au/web/conservation/hunting_in_nps/hunting.htm> the
information you need and an elobby
form that allows you to send your protest email to all Labor Minister, Fred
Niles, The Greens and the Opposition.
We are working with other conservation groups, the RSPCA, Wires, and many
other groups over the coming days to prevent this Bill being passed.
The Bill will not assist in the control of feral animals in national parks,
and is likely to foster the spread of existing feral animals and the
establishment of new feral bird species. It undermines existing animal
welfare legislation and policy and will have adverse conservation outcomes.
Many of the provisions represent a radical change in the ethos of national
park management and biodiversity conservation.
If you have the time to write your own personal letter this will add weight
to our campaign.
Your support to help prevent this Bill becoming a reality is greatly
Andrew Cox,
Executive Officer
National Parks Association of NSW
PO Box 337, Newtown NSW 2042;
Tel: 02 9299 0000; Fax: 02 9290 2525
Email: ;
Website: www.npansw.org.au
52 years of protecting nature through community action
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