On the contrary, my dear friend Laurie, the Powerful Owls at Mt Coot tha
included in their diets Magpies, Currawongs and even a Kookaburra, I
The photos will prove either way.
Yours in all things "green"
John Harris
Secretary, Victorian Association for Environmental Education (VAEE)
Environmental Education Officer
Donvale Christian College
155 Tindals Rd Donvale 3111
03 9844 2471
0409 090 955
>>> L&L Knight <> 09/11/07 5:00 pm >>>
Perhaps it is a foreign owl that's hitched a lift from Asia?
Following on from Kurtis' point, owls tend to eat mammals rather than
birds, whereas Goshawks tend to eat birds. I think it would be a bit
unusual for an owl to take a magpie.
Regards, Laurie.
On Tuesday, September 11, 2007, at 09:41 AM,
<> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I had an amazing experience on Friday. (7th Sept.) I was walking down
> the
> street in Bridgetown (in south west WA) when something overhead
> my
> attetion. Imagine my surprise when I looked up and saw the biggest
> I
> have ever seen! I was seeing it from behind, as it was sitting on top
> of a
> sign outside a shop, and that sign was hanging from the rafters under
> the
> verandah. When I walked around to see the front of it, another
> surprise!
> It was holding a dead magpie in it's claws! Every now and then
> would take a bite out of it, although it was eating very slowly. The
> owner
> of the shop said that it had been there since 8am and it was 11.30am
> the time I saw it.
> I have no experience of owls and neither did any of the many other
> people
> that stood watching. I also did not have my camera, but many other
> people
> did so I am going to try to get a copy from someone. No-one knew what
> kind
> of owl it was, but we all had the chance to observe it for a long
> time, so
> it was etched into my brain. When I got back home to my daughters
> house, I
> pulled out my ID books, and the only owl it could have been is the
> Rufous
> Owl! My daughter agreed wholeheartedly!
> I know, I know, you don't get Rufous Owls in the south west of WA,
> I
> was talking to a local later on in the day and he said that about
> eight of
> them have been seen. Which of course could be the same bird eight
> times!
> So obviously an escapee, but an amazing sight nonetheless.
> It was one of the best birding experiences I have had in my short
> career
> of birdwatching.
> Bye for now,
> Amy Flatt - Happy Bird Watcher!
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