
Ospreys at Narrabeen

To: <>
Subject: Ospreys at Narrabeen
From: "alan morris" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:54:22 +1000
Hi Birders,

I refer to Lorne's concerns about letting people know the exact location of this nest.
In the first place Ospreys are very public birds, their nests are always in 
the public eye, on marker buoys, on power poles, on special nesting poles 
constructed for them, on railway bridges etc. They are protected by the fact 
that people know where the nest is and therefopre there van be no harm in 
letting other birdwatchers know their location. So no Lorne, it is not a 
But secondly, there is the issue of letting people know. Many government 
agencies are so protective of their information, in the name of protecting a 
certain species, that the public are never allowed to know, even if the 
species is no longer nesting! I can tell you about a certain government 
agency that would not let me have information for the NSW Annual Bird 
Report, about what species of Ibis nested on one of their properties, and 
how many were in the colony, two years after the event! This enables them to 
deny that the birds ever nested there if in the event at some later stage 
some organisation was pushing for the site to be proptected in some way.
It is for that reason that within reason I am happy to let everyone know 
what nests or occurs where, to stop the cover up that goes on about 
threatened species. Let public opinion protect the birds.
Alan Morris


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