Derby Sewage Works definitely deserve a mention. There is the ponds
themselves, which have a viewing tower that provides great visibility
(though only if you have a scope), and there is an overflow pond out the
back that provides a green oasis amongst the salt scalded intertidal area
near the mouth of the Fitzroy River. This was fantastic when I was there
with Stilts, Avocets, Sharpies, Long-toed Stint, etc. plus many ducks and
other waterbirds.
Broome is definitely the better of the two in my experience. Wood and Marsh
Sandpipers, Sharpies, both Dotterels, and Stilts were common, as were
Whiskered Terns, Royal Spoonbills, and hundreds of Plumed Whistling Ducks.
Regular rarities included Long-toed Stint, Yellow Wagtails and Swinhoes
Snipe (and Pin-tailed if you can catch them), as well as being one of the
best places in Broome for honeyeaters and finches.
I put my vote in for both of the above.
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