Species grouped by habitat? Like "What Bird Is That?"? I found that hard to use
as a beginner in an urban environment where lot of birds were out of their
normal habitat and I had little idea what any of them were. It probably doesn't
matter anywhere near as much to experienced birders.
Im looking forward to seeing the book, and I'm interested to hear how others
find this arrangement.
Peter Shute
Sent from my iPad
> On 26 Apr 2017, at 8:03 am, Chris Watson <> wrote:
> G'day all,
> I've posted a review of this great new Australian guide including a short
> interview with one of the authors, Rohan Clarke.
> https://www.chriswatson.com.au/blog/the-australian-bird-guide
> Cheers,
> Chris Watson
> --
> http://www.chriswatson.com.au/
> *Mob - 0419 358 942*
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