The calls I heard were close to the typical Aussie call, the
"waaa-waaa-waaaaaaaa" rather than the Little's "aark-aark-aark". I
didn't record the calls, although I do have an iPod, so now the only
thing I can say is that there was something different about the call
to the normal Aussie Raven. Because I didn't realise that Aussies are
found there, I began trying to fit the call I heard in with a Little,
and it just didn't go, hence the post.
However, now that I know that Aussies are likely to be found there,
the call is much less anomalous. I'm quite satisfied it was an Aussie
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Kev Lobotomi <> wrote:
> Hi Bill
> You could easily get either a Little or Aussie Ravens around Chum Creek. You
> need to use call to separate them. You still haven't described the call you
> heard. You definitely get Australian on the coast of Victoria, for example
> you get Aussies at Phillip island (along with Little) and Cape Liptrap, where
> you get Forest and Little in the same area.
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Bill Stent" <>
> Sent: 18 May 2015 7:21 AM
> To: "Geoff Leslie" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Raven calls, Chum Creek, Victoria
> Thanks for that Geoff, that's the information I needed.
> The birds I saw and heard were Australian Ravens.
> Bill
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 10:37 PM, Geoff Leslie <> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> I live not that far from Healesville, and the Australian Raven is certainly
>> a sedentary local bird here in Yea, often seen winging homeward over the
>> town uttering its plaintive call. I understand that further south they
>> disappear, being absent from Melbourne and the coastal regions.
>> Geoff Leslie
>> Yea
>> Message: 16
>> Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 22:10:48 +1000
>> From: Bill Stent <>
>> To:
>> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Raven calls, Chum Creek, Victoria
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> A couple of weeks ago I was at Chum Creek near Healesville in Victoria. I
>> had to pick my daughter up from a scout camp. While I was there, a couple of
>> ravens flew over, calling as they did. My immediate thought was that they
>> were Aussie ravens, and was surprised that they were there, but then I
>> wasn't sure. The calls weren't quite right for Aussie or Little.
>> Could I have been hearing Aussies after all - the calls were much closer to
>> that than Littles (and no, they definitely weren't Forests). Or could I have
>> heard some odd local dialect of Littles?
>> Any thoughts?
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