Hi Bill
The calls of both ravens vary enormously. They both can wail. But with Little
it tends to be a much shorter wail. The main difference is the tone of the
call. Australians have a higher pitch, Little is quite low (Forest lower
still). Kev
--- Original Message ---
From: "Bill Stent" <>
Sent: 17 May 2015 8:24 AM
To: "Kev Lobotomi" <>
Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Raven calls, Chum Creek, Victoria
They had the Aussie wail, but it was just not like the ones you hear north of
Bendigo. If I had have been up there when I heard them I would have said it's a
couple of Aussies with a sore throat.
On 16/05/2015, at 10:22 PM, Kev Lobotomi <> wrote:
> Could be either little or Australian in that area. What did they call like
> like.-Kevin Bartram
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Bill Stent" <>
> Sent: 16 May 2015 10:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Raven calls, Chum Creek, Victoria
> A couple of weeks ago I was at Chum Creek near Healesville in Victoria. I had
> to pick my daughter up from a scout camp. While I was there, a couple of
> ravens flew over, calling as they did. My immediate thought was that they
> were Aussie ravens, and was surprised that they were there, but then I wasn't
> sure. The calls weren't quite right for Aussie or Little.
> Could I have been hearing Aussies after all - the calls were much closer to
> that than Littles (and no, they definitely weren't Forests). Or could I have
> heard some odd local dialect of Littles?
> Any thoughts?
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