Published sightings for the week ending 19 Jan 2014.
Wed 15 Jan
Pacific Swift
Tokuremoar Reserve
Pacific Swift Singles and small parties coming in off the sea or along the coast from Victor Harbor, then hawking for insects over the melaleuca. At least 30 counted over a half hour period but almost certainly more as birds moving in a broad front from Middleton to Goolwa. Thunderstorms had moved across whole south coast from the North the previous evening.
Kelvin Sparks
Sacred Kingfisher
Church Road, Harrogate
Sighted down near Bremer River at the back of my property. Have only seen this bird here once in the past four years. Extremely hot, overcast day and many birds in yard presumably for the water points there.
Madeleine Wearne
Rainbow Bee-eater
A pair of Rainbow Bee-eaters spent at least an hour and a half flying through my yard near the Bremer River- catching moths. One of them has now spent at least another hour perched in a tree near the house. Been here four years and this is my first sighting. Photo best I could do given the bird's height and the heat glare.
Madeleine Wearne
Fri 10 Jan
Square-tailed Kite
Wingfield rubbish tip
Seen circling over the north/eastern most section of the Wingfield dump (northern side of Port River Expressway). Driving along the expressway, from a distance I could see the wings held in a V and thought it may be one of the Swamp Harriers that frequent this area but as I got closer I saw the unmistakable square tail and markings of a Square Tailed Kite. First time I have seen one in this area.
Jeff Krieg
Sat 4 Jan
Magpie Geese
Aldinga Beach
Observed 3 Magpie Geese flying in a northerly direction along the shoreline at 8am
Cate Richardson