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Date: 6 January 2014 4:01:31 am AEDT
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Subject: Birdline Australian Capital Territory Weekly Update
Birdline Australian Capital Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 5 Jan 2014.
Sun 5 Jan Singing Honeyeater, Black Honeyeater West Belconnen ponds
Singing Honeyeater (1) Seen in eucalypts and casuarinas at northern end of
parkland on eastern side of the water at approx 35 11.281 S by 149 1.116 E.
Calling and chasing White-plumed HEs Black Honeyeater (1) Female. Clearly seen
perched on dead tree at same location as Singing Honeyeater. Smaller than the
Willie Wagtail chasing it, but larger than a Silvereye. Very long down curved
bill, above light brown with primaries edged buff. Forehead and lores yellowy
brown. Breast slightly mottled soft light brown on buff. Belly buff. (Note that
we saw this species only one week ago at Deniliquin and see it somewhat
regularly ar Round Hill. ID also checked against Morcambe eGuide).
Unfortunately forgot camera so no photo.
Kim and Geoff Larmour
Sun 5 Jan Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Bluetts Block, Uriarra
2.4 kms west of Coppins Crossing t/o on Uriarra Rd park at gate on right. Bird
is about 500 mtrs up track that heads north-east, just before a track off to
the left (where it has been seen before)
Noel Luff
Thu 2 Jan Caspian Tern Kellys Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Fyshwick
2 Caspian Terns at Kellys this evening, as reported on the COG chatline earlier
in the day. They flew in at about 18.50, rested, preened and washed; were
harassed for a minute or two by a Royal Spoonbill; and eventually flew off at
about 19.15 in the direction of the turf farm. Earlier at 16.50, one Glossy
Ibis was on the 'turf farm puddle' adjacent to the Monaro Highway.
Frank Antram, Alastair Smith
Wed 1 Jan Glossy Ibis, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Australian Painted-Snipe,
Pectoral Sandpiper Kellys Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Fyshwick
2 Glossy Ibis seen at 3:30pm, also Yellow-billed Spoonbill (1), Australian
Painted-Snipe (1) and Pectoral Sandpiper (1) still hanging around.
Brendan Sheean
Yellow-billed Spoonbill Horse Park Wetland, Forde
Single bird seen at 5pm in drying pond along Horse Park Drive.
Marnix Zwankhuizen
Tue 31 Dec Brown Gerygone Bendora Dam
Brown Gerygone 1, possibly more, with a group of at least 6 Striated
Thornbills. Uniform brown upperparts and pale underparts; prominent white
supercilium extending behind eye; tail with broad black subterminal band, then
narrow white band tipped black.
Frank Antram
Tue 31 Dec Singing Honeyeater West Belconnen ponds
Sunny warm morning. Just the Eastern end. Returned to try and find the Singing
Honeyeater again. Singing Honeyeater (1) Photographed
Christine D
Mon 30 Dec Singing Honeyeater West Belconnen ponds
Singing Honeyeater (1) Heard first, then seen in a small tree near the edge of
the pond, at the East end of the pond.
Christine D
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