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Date: 6 January 2014 4:01:52 am AEDT
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Subject: Birdline New South Wales Weekly Update
Birdline New South Wales
Published sightings for the week ending 5 Jan 2014.
Sun 5 Jan Superb Lyrebird Irrawong Reserve
Two very bold Superb Lyrebirds causing a ruckus chasing Australian
Brush-turkeys on the trail around 5pm.
Peter Diegutis
Freckled Duck (20) Fivebough Settling Ponds, Leeton
The ducks have returned after a couple of months absence. Also seen were
Pink-eared, Australian Shoveler and Hardhead. Water level in the wetlands is
low but there are still hundreds of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers along with 6 Marsh
Max O'Sullivan
White-necked Petrel and Shy Albatross Mistral Point, Maroubra
15 Black-browed Albatross, 6 Shy Albatross, 1 White-necked Petrel, 25
Flesh-footed Sheawater, 550 Wedge-tailed Shearwater and 8 Pomarine Jaegers were
the highlights today.
David Mitford and Robert Griffin
Powerful Owl, Noisy Pitta, Brush Cuckoo Lower Pappinbarra
Female Powerful Owl and Noisy Pitta were heard calling at 2:30am. Also heard
was a Brush Cuckoo.
Ian Kerr
Freckled Duck Bundanoon
2 female Freckled Ducks were at the sewage works early this morning. The first
Freckled Ducks I've seen in the Southern Highlands.
Lorne Johnson
Sat 4 Jan Latham's Snipe Mount Annan Botanical Gardens
Feeding out of the reeds on the far side of the "dam" right of the new AGL
picnic shelter about 1.00pm
Marie Lister and Jim Dixon
Masked Owl Megalong Valley
A Masked Owl responded to playback survey along Megalong Road, after the road
comes out into the open past the main camp ground. Unfortunately the owl stayed
some distance away. Further back up the hill there were quite a few Southern
Boobooks and two Powerful Owl fledglings.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Spotted Harrier Bundanoon
A pair of Spotted Harriers hunting over paddocks and closed forest (!) by
Shangri la Road this morning. This is the 13th raptor species I've recorded for
Lorne Johnson
White-necked Petrel, Shy Albatross, Black-browed Albatross North Head,
Highlight from a sea watch today were 2 White-necked Petrels, about 40
Black-browed Albatross & 10 Shy Albatross. Good numbers of Flesh-footed
Shearwaters too.
michael ronan
Pacific Baza, Square-tailed Kite, Eastern Shrike-tit, Wedge-tailed
Eagle Bellawongarah (Berry Mountain) - private property
Some nice birding at home today with 46 species counted up til lunch time. 3
Pacific Baza's seen and heard, possibly 2 males and 1 female? 1 S-T Kite seen
circling over property not that high. 5 E. Shrike-tit heard and seen in 2
locations on property. 3 consisted of 2 adults and 1 Juv and the other sighting
was of 2 adults. As I write I had to pause as the Baza's started calling again,
some hours later and then 2 Wedge-tailed Eagles flew over the house yard! Nice
start to the year.
Carla and Nigel Jackett
Fork-tailed Swift Kattang NR, Laurieton
30+ Fork-tailed Swifts over our house and Kattang Nature Reserve Laurieton. We
searched for needletails in the flock but found none.
Peter West & Sue Proust
Wedge-tailed Eagle Castlereagh Rd
I was elated to find a recently fledged eaglet with two adults close by its
side at the quarry this morning. This only appears to indicate that my local
eagle pair bred successfully despite the major bushfires in October last year.
Also found a female Swamp Harrier.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Fork-tailed Swift Grassy Head mid-north coast NSW
Over 4,000 F-t Swifts observed heading in a southerly direction between 6:00am
and 7:00am this morning over inshore and estuarine waters at Grassy
Head/Stuart's Point. A little swirling taking place intermittently, but most
curious of all a small percentage (100+) observed skimming salty estuarine
waters for a drink. Small numbers continue to come through at 7:20am. No
White-throated Needletails observed with the flock - record forwarded to M.
Allan Richardson
Fri 3 Jan Gilbert's Whistler Barryrennie Road, Cowra
Stopped at Creek crossing just before Conimbla National Park Entrance. No water
in creek crossing, but plenty of birds in the vicinity. Gilbert's Whistler (1)
calling (and observed) in trees near creek crossing.
Jon & Alison Elliott
Fri 3 Jan Superb Parrot Barryrennie Road at 33 50 15S 148 35 55E
Stopped at same site on Barryrennie Road where large flock of Superb Parrots
were seen on 28/12/13. Same large flock observed in the same location, feeding
in paddock on side of road and perched in large Eucalypts.
Jon & Alison Elliott
Fri 3 Jan Sanderling, Fork-tailed Swift Hawks Nest 10' Cell
One Sanderling observed with 10 Red-necked Stints and 20 Red-capped Plovers.
Sanderling acting very aggressively towards the other birds. Photographed. 10+
Fork-tailed Swift with 300+ White-throated Needletails along the Myall River.
Simon Gorta and Julian Teh
Fork-tailed Swift, White-throated Needletail central Port Macquarie
2 Fork-tailed Swifts in a flock of about 100 White-throated Needletails over
central Port Macquarie.
Peter West & Sue Proust
Latham's Snipe Cranebrook
Found five Latham's Snipes on big lake at corner of Castlereagh/Cranebrook
Roads. Two were feeding on edge nearest to me in plain view, three more on far
side. Also present at least 30 Grey Teal, a Great Crested and 16 Hoary-headed
Ákos Lumnitzer
Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Subject to submission to NSW ORAC), Australian
Koel Lake Hume Weir
At least 4 Purple-crowned Lorikeets around at stand if flowering Lemon-scented
Gums. A rare bird in NSW but there have been a few reports in the border area
of the last few years. Also an Australian Koel heard in the distance. Another
rare bird in this area but there have been regular reports over the last few
years as well. [Moderator's note (NH): Purple-crowned Lorikeets in NSW should
be submitted to NSW ORAC]
Michael Ramsey
Thu 2 Jan Australasian Bittern West Byron Sewage Treatment Plant, Byron
Lifted off close to access road, saw a few times in flight, maybe using strong
Northerly breeze for a bit of lift. Seen around first and second ponds, near
road, into long reeds and grasses. 13 plus Freckled Ducks still around too and
Chestnut Teal not a regular here either.
Duncan Fowler
Brush Cuckoo Scheyville Nat Park
At least 3 Brush Cuckoos, 2 females calling one of them a barred morph, male
calling normal descending call. Watched male feed barred female morph on 3
occasions with large caterpillar, females uttering call as described in HANZAB
as Churrrt. Never seen barred morph or heard the Churrrt call before.
Keith Brandwood
Pacific Golden-Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Pied Stilt Wareemba, Hen &
Chicken bay
One Pacific Golden-Plover amongst many Bar-tailed Godwits. 4 Pied Stilts
foraging in the same area.
Elio Bombonato
Wed 1 Jan Grey-crowned Babbler 147 Levenstrath Rd. Levenstrath nr Grafton.
10+ Grey-crowned Babblers in yard near fishpond. 8 counted and at least two
others heard before being disturbed and flew into surrounding trees. Resident
flock had dwindled to 4 birds. Not known whether this a breeding increase or if
the extreme hot weather had brought other birds from surrounding scrub to
Warren Thompson
Spotted Harrier North Richmond
Glided low over Bells Line of Road in an easterly direction between the
intersections with Redbank Road and Inverary Drive.
Kurtis Lindsay
White-winged Black Tern Ash Island (Wagtail Way)
20-30 Terns (mostly Whiskered Terns) seen from Wagtail Way, feeding close to
the road after a temporary roost on the far side of the marsh near the railway.
There were at least 2 White-winged Black Terns in the flock. Later in the
evening a flock of 60-70 Gull-billed Terns circled and descended on the marsh
on the opposite side of Wagtail Way.
Andrew Walker
Australian Koel Cnr Crisp and Olive St, Albury NSW
Single bird heard calling and subsequently sighted in dense Pinoak Tree, later
in a Plane Tree in urban street. Brown feathers around the breast area with
faint barring suggest subadult bird. Sighting is consistent with recent reports
from Wodonga to the south.
Gerard O'Neill
Cicadabird, Red-browed Treecreeper, Crested Shrike-tit Turon Gates,
In large eucalypts beside Turon River at campground. Seen yesterday.
Carl Weber
Tue 31 Dec White-throated Needle- tail Albury Memorial Monument
Approx 10 birds flying quickly atop Albury Hill in calm weather.
Greg Hunt
Peregrine Falcon Cambridge Gardens, Penrith
At around 17:30 we stepped outside with a visitor at our house and heard all
the local birds going crook. We looked up and just caught glimpse of a female
Peregrine (judged by heavy and large appearance) as it attempted to take an
Indian Myna or Spotted Dove, both which were on my roof. The falcon pulled up
right over the top of us at a height of no more than five or six meters. Later
when walking the dogs out near Castlereagh we observed another Peregrine Falcon
hunting over Princes Farm (horse place) and it made a number of attempts at
parrots from great height stooping at breakneck speeds. It was escorted out of
the area by a pair of Black-shouldered Kites
Ákos Lumnitzer
Mon 30 Dec Pacific Baza Tuggerah State conservation Area, South Tacoma
2 immature Pacific Bazas were seen perched along the Lake Trail after one was
heard calling. Plenty of Striated Herons roosting along the Wyong River.
Andrew Walker
Sooty Owls Washpool National Park, Cangai
Two birds vocalizing at dusk. One later flushed off a dead Glider beside the
Murray Lord
Australasian Bittern Pitt Town Lagoon
Whilst checking the progress of the bird hide saw an Aus Bittern lift out of
the reed beds on the n/e side then drop back in a few metres away.Lots of birds
using the modified islands.
Keith Brandwood
Painted Honeyeater Condobolin- to south on SR95 33 17 31 S 147 10 46 E
Several Painted Honeyeaters feeding on mistletoe berries in mixed
acacia/callitris roadside scrub. Spiney-cheeked and Striped Honeyeaters also
enjoying berries and Mistloebirds spreading them.
Rosemary Stapleton
Australian, Baillon's & Spotless Crake, Lewin's and Buff-banded Rail
Eastlakes Golf Course
Good views of the crakes early this morning, but only the Buff-banded rail
showed up. Lewin's Rail heard clearly but we did not manage to see it . Pond
and area closest to toolsheds. Also yesterday/Sun morning in strong wind: 7
Common and 7 Little Terns at the main lake.
Amanda Lilleyman & Bas Hensen
Sun 29 Dec Brolga Ulmarra
A pair of Brolgas flying high over Pacific Hwy at Ulmarra.
James Fong
Black-browed Albatross, Shy Albatross. North Head, Manly.
About 50 albatross of North Head today with 35 Black-browed Albatross & 15 Shy
michael ronan.
Sat 28 Dec Plumed Whistling-Duck, Rufous Songlark, Eastern Rosella,
Pheasant Coucal, Koel Terry Hie Hie
100+ Plumed Whistling Ducks were observed on a roadside small stock dam about
5km east of Terry Hie Hie. They have been present at this location throughout
the year, while none were seen elsewhere in the area this year. A Rufous
Songlark was seen & heard, they have been very uncommon; rarer this
spring/summer. Apart from the common Channel-billed Cuckoo, a Pheasant Coucal
was HC on Tycannah Creek and a Koel (first for site) was heard calling. 2
Eastern Rosellas, which aren't found in summer here and are uncommon
generallywere also seen.Other birds worth noting included: 2 Common Bronzewings
feeding on a dirt road. 2 Singing Honeyeaters, a Jacky Winter, 4 Rainbow
Bee-eaters and lots of Dollarbirds (6+), c.10 Dusky Woodswallows were still
present, including immatures. Several Pied Currawongs HC, they are unusual at
this time of year, especially during the heat of summer.
Curtis Hayne
Wed 25 Dec Great Knot, Pacific Golden-Plover Hawks Nest 10' Cell
Great Knot (1) One bird positively identified on the mudflats to the left of
the singing bridge facing tea gardens, through bins. As an unleashed dog ran
towards it, another three bird joined it in flight flying away. Couldn't
confirm their ID but they looked good for knot. Pacific Golden-Plover (4)
Observed on the mudflats near the knots. Flew past me when disturbed by a dog.
Calling in flight. This is the first time I have observed either of these
species here.
Simon Gorta
Tue 24 Dec Collared Sparrowhawk Red Rock, Coffs Harbour
Collared Sparrowhawk (1) Photographed with prey - probable Blue-faced
Honeyeater. (Moderator's Note: Other photos show the square-tail AKM)
Jean & Paul Newman
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