It's been a few years since I was lucky enough to bird in Singapore, but my
favourite spots were Pulau Ubin - defintiely rent a bike to get around the
island. I recall I had to wait a while for the bumboat out, but it was
worth it. You may be able to fit Pasir Ris and Pulau Ubin in on the one
Sungei Buloh is one of the best places I've birded anywhere. 5 kingfishers
and 3 bitterns in one day, plus loads of waders when the tides are right.
Bukit Timah used to be a good spot for some of the bush birds, and is on
easy bus routes. Good for an hour or two.
Botanic Gardens used to open in the evenings - I saw Spotted Wood Owl and
Large-tailed NIghtjar there (thanks to a very kindly local who took me
birding a few times).
There are still a couple of Singapore birders who read birding-aus, and
they may have better, more up to date suggestions (Hi Victor and Won Soon!)
On 12 November 2013 18:36, Ian Smissen <> wrote:
> Another good location for birding in Singapore is Pulau Ubin (Ubin
> Island). A 'bumboat' ferry service runs to Pulau Ubin from Changi Point
> Ferry Terminal (abt 2-3 mins walk from Changi Bus Interchange). There are
> plenty of short and long walks and you can rent bikes from many places in
> the village next to the ferry terminal. Last time I was there the highlight
> was a pair of Oriental Pied Hornbills right in the village. Be aware though
> that you will need plenty of insect repellant (unlike most of Singapore).
> Cheers,
> Ian Smissen
> On 12/11/2013 08:02, Wilsons wrote:
> Hi all
>> I will be in Singapore for work next week but for once I will have a full
>> free day (Saturday) to do some birding rather than my usual problem of
>> trying to sneak in some quick sessions in the short gaps between daylight
>> hours and office hours. I've been looking at various sites on the net,
>> including NSS Singapore (no outing that weekend), to work out places to go
>> and I'm thinking that two areas probably worth focusing on are :
>> Sungei Buloh
>> Central Catchment/MacRitchie Reservoirs
>> I think getting to SB is straightforward, but is it easy to get from one
>> to the other (or is taxi the best option)? Any recommended areas
>> specifically at Central Catchment/MacRitchie as it seems there are several
>> associated parks in the area.
>> Sunday morning (also free until about 10:30) I'll go to the Botanic
>> Gardens if I'm feeling up for it - been there before but it's very pleasant.
>> What state of tide works best for Sungei Buloh? The day I have free the
>> tide is low at 7:30am (as centre opens) and high at 1:30pm. From what I've
>> read, ideally I think I'd want to be there 1st thing before it gets too
>> busy.
>> I'm also going to look at birding pals to see who may be around but if
>> anybody has a pal they have been out with before that they'd recommend I'm
>> all ears.
>> Cheers
>> Tom Wilson
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