Yes, well, large brandies can do that to you.
Carl Clifford
On 02/07/2013, at 19:06, "Robert Inglis" <> wrote:
> Thank you David James.
> I have been sitting here (as it were) becoming more and more agitated,
> frantic, despairing, confused, annoyed, thinking of a large brandy as I have
> been reading all these postings about the various taxonomies that various
> birders are using for their own esoteric reasons while, at the same time,
> wondering just what Birdlife Australia is thinking.
> I wait with bated (which my much loved and ancient Chambers Twentieth Century
> Dictionary tells me is the same as “Abated” meaning “to lessen; to deduct
> from; to mitigate; to put an end to [I like that one], do away with, as of an
> action or a nuisance, to render null, as a writ”) breath to see the
> “explanation to the introduction about why BARC uses the IOC checklist for
> its purposes”.
> I am also trying to visualise those hardy and much admired soles who are
> currently working on (at least, I am hoping they are still working on) new
> “Australian Bird Field Guides” but wondering which taxonomy they should be
> using. Poor soles. My heart goes out to you.
> I could go on but ............
> Bob Inglis
> Sandstone Point
> Queensland
> Sent from my very tolerant and long suffering desktop PC of mongrel design.
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