Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 23 Jun 2013.
Sat 22 Jun
Blue Petrel (NSW ORAC submission required), Common Diving-petrel
Wollongong Pelagic, New South Wales
A Blue Petrel was sighted, the 1st one from Wollongong since 1999. It hung around for 1/2 hour, coming within metres of the boat. Other sightings included at least 9 Common Diving-petrels and over 10 Buller's Albatross (7 at the one time is the most we saw). Otherwise it was the usual winter subjects, in good numbers for the most part. It was a good trip, although we only saw 1 Wandering Albatross, 1 Great-winged and 1 Providence Petrel. There were no Cape Petrels, which is unusual for June trips. A full report shall be posted soon on the SOSSA website. Photos of the Blue Petrel can be found on the SOSSA website at
Brook Whylie for SOSSA
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