I too use Eremaea in the way that you do, and I think it is a fantastic
Firstly, I think that the birdline pages just accept whatever common name you
type in, so the taxonomy used is purely up to the reporter. Usually, people use
C & B names but someone recently used "Australian Kite" (Clements) and it
raised a few eyebrows.
Secondly, if you are doing a search on "Species Records" you just have to
change the taxonomy in the "Common Names" box before you type in the species.
It defaults to Clements, so if you type in "Grey Teal" you get nothing.
Steve Murray
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Robert Inglis
Sent: Monday, 10 June 2013 2:51 PM
To: Birding-Aus
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Eremaea: confusion reigns.
It appears that I use Eremaea in way that no one else does. Of course I do!
But let me explain.
If I want to check recent sightings (the only purpose for which I use Eremaea)
I simply go to one of the “Birdline” pages (usually “Birdline Central &
Southern Queensland” and view the
Perhaps someone can tell me where on that page it tells me what taxonomy is
being used and where the facility is to change to “Australia (English)” for the
common name spelling.
To search for “Grey Teal” I went to the Eremaea Birds Home page
( and selected “Species Records”
I made the naive mistake of assuming that the search facility would search the
whole data base and simply entered “Grey Teal”. However I received the response
“Species name not found. Please try again.” As trying again would simply
produce the same result I didn’t bother. I also didn’t consider the “blatantly
obvious” in that the common name of the Australian bird “Grey Teal” would be
changed to “Gray Teal”.
The other ‘mistake’ I made and will continue to make for the time being at
least is that I use the Birdlife Australia ‘official’ taxonomy of C&B. I will
continue to use that taxonomy until Birdlife Australia changes to another
taxonomy. But that’s just me. I don’t demand or even expect anyone else to do
as I do.
Bob Inglis
Sandstone Point
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