Oops! That should have been addressed "Bob", of course.
John Tongue
On 10/06/2013, at 2:50 PM, Robert Inglis wrote:
> It appears that I use Eremaea in way that no one else does. Of course I do!
> But let me explain.
> If I want to check recent sightings (the only purpose for which I use
> Eremaea) I simply go to one of the “Birdline” pages (usually “Birdline
> Central & Southern Queensland”
> http://www.eremaea.com/BirdlineRecentSightings.aspx?Birdline=7) and view the
> reports.
> Perhaps someone can tell me where on that page it tells me what taxonomy is
> being used and where the facility is to change to “Australia (English)” for
> the common name spelling.
> To search for “Grey Teal” I went to the Eremaea Birds Home page
> (http://www.eremaea.com/) and selected “Species Records”
> (http://www.eremaea.com/SpeciesRecordsSelection.aspx).
> I made the naive mistake of assuming that the search facility would search
> the whole data base and simply entered “Grey Teal”. However I received the
> response “Species name not found. Please try again.” As trying again would
> simply produce the same result I didn’t bother. I also didn’t consider the
> “blatantly obvious” in that the common name of the Australian bird “Grey
> Teal” would be changed to “Gray Teal”.
> The other ‘mistake’ I made and will continue to make for the time being at
> least is that I use the Birdlife Australia ‘official’ taxonomy of C&B. I will
> continue to use that taxonomy until Birdlife Australia changes to another
> taxonomy. But that’s just me. I don’t demand or even expect anyone else to do
> as I do.
> Bob Inglis
> Sandstone Point
> Qld
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