Our family kept cockatiels for a while, in a medium sized outdoor aviary.
One bird lost a foot one night. We never worked out what did it. The same
bird lost its OTHER foot about a year later, and the sight of the poor bird
climbing around the inside of the aviary was just too pitiful and I had it
euthanised (by a vet). We had a couple of currawongs around at the time -
and I also saw a fox outside the aviary, but I favour the currawong as the
That marked the end of our cockatiel phase. We only went down that path
because one turned up at our place and adopted us. I failed to find an
owner in the region, but discovered that cockatiels are the Houdinis of the
avian world. Try Googling "lost cockatiel" some time ...
That's enough from me - my fellow moderators will be telling me this isn't
about Australian wild birds!
Russell Woodford
On 6 June 2013 12:36, Gordon Cain <> wrote:
> And a friend of mine who keeps finches assures me that Indian miners come
> and scare his finches. And when they panic and come too near the miners,
> they get their legs pulled off. He finds legless -- after a manner of
> speaking -- finches on the bottom of his aviary.
> I would say 'cheers', but. . .
> Gordon Cain
> Schofields
> NW Sydney
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 09:02:59 +1000
> From: Carol Abbott<>
> To: Chris Brandis< <>>
> Cc:<>
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Grey Butherbirds Eating Pet Budgie
> Message-ID:
> <CAEMnHSf6ahDP8Pq-**Ke89aokxsZA5afNrcmrrFMN8-**
> <>
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> Hi All, I do wildlife care and regularly have Butcherbirds and Sparrowhawks
> trying to get the birds in my aviaries.
> Attaching Shade cloth to the outside of the cage, will help to stop the
> birds from being attacked.
> Cheers
> Carol
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