Birdline Tasmania
Published sightings for the week ending 19 May 2013.
Sat 18 May
White-Necked Heron
Stowport. nr Burnie
Single bird, in breeding plumage, in paddock with Forest Ravens. Species not often seen in Tas. First for me in 30y obs.
Richard Ashby
Fri 17 May
Giant-petrel sp.
At sea off High Yellow Bluff, Forestier Peninsula
John Males, the skipper of the Pauletta reported a flock of about 20 to 25 Giant-petrels that flew around the boat as it came into shore this afternoon after a fishing trip. Many of them were mottled underneath.
Els Wakefield for John Males
Wed 15 May
Ground Parrot
South Cape Bay walking track, Cockle Creek
One Ground Parrot flushed twice about half way along track. Numerous Crescent Honeyeaters also present over most of the walk.
Roger Bilney
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