Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 12 May 2013.
Fri 10 May
Spotless Crake
Amata Waste Water Treatment Plant
Observations taken from 1700-1830. Water levels in overflow pond still high and weed/grass growth getting thicker and greener by the week.
Spotless Crake (1) In same area of overflow pond and only visible for brief period. Still sticking to same patch of heavy cover and only appearing momentarily before ducking back into cover
David Hartland
Wed 8 May
Malleefowl, Banded Stilt
Innes National Park 10' Cell
Malleefowl (1) Opposite Inneston township.
Banded Stilt (60) Lake Inneston; also an over wintering Red-necked Stint.
Ivor Preston
Letter-wing Kite
Gidgealpa oil field 30 km west of Moomba South Australia
13 birds noticed flying over head at about 8:30 am landed in small dead tree and spent the day ,often taking flight landing on oil rig then returning to same tree
Zeb Drogemuller
Tue 7 May
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Low Point -10 km south of Wellington
A sub-adult bird,initially seen perched on a fence post close to the Lake.
Nat Doecke
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