Hi Phillip et al, good on you. It should be possible to enjoy our birdlife
without needing a university degree +/- an ego that needs constant
augmentation. The thrill of a new "tick" or observing a new visitor to our
garden at home is still there for us. Please keep contributing- there are down
to earth birders who enjoy being able to access birding-aus as a very useful
forum and source of information without these hassles, Kevin Holwell
On 14/04/2013, at 8:06 PM, Philip,kylie,Joshua,noah wrote:
> Having been on this forum for only a few months and only relatively new to
> this type of discussion, I find it some what childish and a form of bullying
> to be constantly corrected on spelling mistakes or incorrect use of the
> "english" language. The first thread regarding the night parrot or should I
> say the Night Parrot was a great insight into the unknown world of this
> elusive and hard to see species, and any sightings or possible sightings of
> this species would be of significant importance to birding fraternity as well
> as other organisations that would be interested.
> However this thread has taken a back seat to the mundane and slightly "well
> actually highly irritable" thread on the use of English language and the need
> to have capitals or no capitals and the relevance to birding_aus members is
> too me a little outdated.
> Would it not be better to commend the thread and respond accordingly rather
> than pick up on a small spelling mistake that is truthfully irrelevant to the
> overall story, I have only posted once on here and the reason I have not
> posted again was that every response bar one was only to correct me on my
> spelling or misuse of bird names!
> At present Facebook is alive with posts regarding how childish and irrelevant
> the posts are on birding_aus and that most people have decided to not post or
> at worse not subscribe due to the same bullying behaviour I experienced. I
> believe that there may only be a small group of people actually doing this
> but it gives the whole site a really bad taste in mouth.
> If you were a new or inexperienced birdwatcher/ bird lover and stumbled
> across birding_aus in the last week it would be some what amusing to see
> basically no threads regarding birds but 50 threads regarding capital
> letters!
> I understand my English isn't up to scratch and am expecting to be inundated
> by abusive emails but I believe it needs to be said that if this continues
> the amount of falloff subscribers will be greater than the useless threads
> about the use of common names!
> Cheers
> Philip
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