I want to endorse one of David's comments below: "check out local bird
club outings where you plan to go. They can be just fantastic and very
I was visiting San Francisco for a conference a couple of years ago. I
got in touch with the Sacramento Audubon who I discovered were running a
field trip to the Sierra Valley that weekend. Really friendly group and
knowledgeable leaders who were really happy for me to join for the day.
For birds, scenery and company it ranks up there in the collection of
"best birding days".
[if anyone interested, my report and photos at
http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~ian/Birding/Reports/California_2010.pdf and
https://picasaweb.google.com/115738510013418169108/California respectively]
Cheers, Ian
On 26/03/2013 10:13 AM, David Adams wrote:
Since you're doing to be over there for some time and visiting a lot of
areas, the advice you've gotten is very good:
* Sibley for the outstanding drawings.
* Nat Geo as it's easier to use in the field.
* iBird Pro for an app as it's got a great collection of pictures, sounds
and plates.
* I also like the Sibley app as I can then carry it around more places.
* There are numerous family guides to harder families, like warblers,
waders and raptors. Worth it, for sure, if you've got an interest in any of
those groups.
For site guides and locations, also check out local bird club outings where
you plan to go. They can be just fantastic and very friendly.
Apart from Buteo, the LA Audubon society runs a decent bookstore.
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